Same-day businesses-to-business delivery within Amsterdam by cargobike
LBO Fietskoerier offers same-day businesses-to-business delivery within Amsterdam, handling shipments large and small. Pick up is always from your location. Delivery is always completed same-day with the personal attention of an owner-operated service.
Standard Delivery
LBO offers end-of-day delivery, generally completed within three hours, within the A10 Ring with the addition of Zuid Business District.
Large and Fragile Items
We carry items up to and exceeding 1 m in any dimension with an added charge of 3 euro per 30 cm, and we handle multiple items at once. Every day we deliver items such as bouquets, professional kitchen knives, documents, and hard drives.
Extended Delivery Area
Outside of the city center LBO rides throughout the Amsterdam area to Zuid Oost and Bijmler, Ijburg, Nieuwe West, portions of Amstelveen, and Noord.

Call or send a message through Whatsapp to +31618107930. To make your call easier, please have the following information on hand:
• Your name, company, and contact info
• Pickup name, contact, and address if different
• Recipient name, contact, and delivery address
• Item description, including size and weight
• Pickup time and delivery deadline
LBO Koerier has worked with:
Yerba Orange Copy AKA Tropicalia Meesterslijpers
Rates and Service Area
Prices below are the standard rate, high volume clients can receive discounted or modified rates. LBO uses two delivery zones: City Center, in a darker shade on the map, and Outer Zone, in lighter orange on the map, covering Noord, Nieuw West, Amstelveen, Diemen, Duivendrecht, and Zuid Oost.
Standard Delivery: €7.50
Non-urgent delivery within the A10 Ring and the Zuidas business district
Rush Delivery: €15
Delivery with two hour turn around time within the A10 Ring and the Zuidas business district
Additional charges:
+€2 to €5 for shipments outside of the City Center zone, depending on distance
+€3 for deliveries exceeding 30 cm in any dimension
+€6 for deliveries exceeding 60 cm in any dimension
€15 for deliveries that completely fill cargo bike capacity